
What is Tulostoma?

Fungi in the genus Tulostoma – also referred to as “stalked puffballs” – have the appearance of small puffballs but differ in having a thin and woody stalk that raises the more or less globose endoperidial body a couple of centimeters above ground. Although Tulostoma fungi can be all easy to recognise as a genus, much trickier is the identification of species. In many cases DNA sequencing will be necessary to confirm identifications. Tulostoma is a representative of gasteroid fungi, those that produce their spores in fruiting bodies instead of on the outer surface as is the case with gilled mushrooms. You can learn more on the genus from our booklet.

Why is this genus interesting for FunDive?

The genus Tulostoma contains more than a hundred species worldwide. Recent results from DNA-sequencing have shown that the species diversity is much higher than previously known. Descriptions of several species new to science are currently underway but the real number of species world-wide remains unknown.  By reporting your findings, you will add to the knowledge of this genus and your records will be important contributions to better description of fungal diversity. 

Where can you find species of Tulostoma?

Stalked puffballs occur in many types of habitats but continental and often sandy steppe areas and other types of dry and open grasslands in temperate regions seem to house the highest number of species. However, the genus is also represented in temperate woodland ecosystems as well in the tropics.